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Unmasking Common Misconceptions Surrounding Artificial Intelligence

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As the idea of artificial intelligence has gained widespread attention, it has captivated the minds of many. This fascination has given rise to a range of myths that have spread across different cultures. These myths include concerns about AI displacing human jobs and fears of AI evolving into malevolent cybernetic entities with the intent to harm humanity. Therefore, it is crucial to dispel these misconceptions and gain a more accurate understanding of the subject.

Let’s explore a few popular AI myths and uncover the truth behind them:

Myth #1. True AI is here to rule over everyone

AI has been trending ever since ChatGPT was opened to the public along with the rise of other chatbots and image-generating software. However, when people think about AI, they actually think about true AI. Fortunately, or unfortunately, however, you want to look at it, true artificial intelligence that is self-aware or has a consciousness and can ‘think’ for itself doesn’t exist.

Instead, the AI that exists today leverages a humongous amount of data and statistical models to perform a certain task really well. Think of it as machine learning that excels at predictive algorithms to produce incredible results. However, it’s not true AI that mirrors natural or human intelligence.

Myth #2. AI will take over human jobs in every field

Unlike AI, human intelligence doesn’t have a ‘narrow’ approach where we absorb information and make decisions based on predictive algorithms. We also use common sense and intuition to interact with the world and make big decisions. We aren’t limited by any programming that restricts our access to knowledge. While AI in its present form can work faster, it can’t make better decisions than humans.

Myth #3. AI is very expensive and out of reach for small businesses

You may have seen pictures or videos of giant server rooms with state-of-the-art components operated by Open AI and its competitors. Training AI on an absurd amount of data and storing it does cost a lot of money. For instance, Open AI spent around $60 to $200 million to train their GPT-4.

However, modern cloud services have made AI extremely unbelievably affordable for even freelancers, let alone small businesses. For instance, if you want to create a logo for your cozy cafe, you can get it for less than a dollar at Midjourney, Wepik, or any other AI image generation cloud service. Want to train your own AI model? Runpod lets you rent out top-of-the-line GPUs for a couple of dollars.

Myth #4. AI is only good for mundane jobs

You have seen AI write crisp emails for you and create amazing art that requires months of collaborative human effort. Most people don’t consider the latter as a ‘mundane task’. Despite that, there’s a misconception that AI can only do easy tasks that require minimal human intelligence and a ton of effort.

However, with predictive algorithms, AI can reduce human errors, design time, and detection times. For instance, AI in healthcare can detect diseases through X-rays and CT scans much faster and forward them to surgeons for confirmation. Furthermore, AI has the capability to monitor employee performance and devise enhanced training programs to address skill deficiencies more effectively.    

In the coming years, many service-based occupations might necessitate AI support or demand familiarity with AI tools. Staying current and staying ahead in your field is crucial. Nevertheless, it’s equally important to maintain an accurate perspective on AI and avoid giving in to the online noise.

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