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Top Free Fitness Apps To Track Your Gains And Progress

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You spend weeks perfecting your workout routine or fitness regimen. However, it’s also important to track your progress and use small achievements as motivation to keep pushing yourself. For fitness, you don’t need to add another subscription to your existing list of subscribed services. Let’s check out some of the best free fitness apps that help you track your progress.

Free Health and Wellness App

1. FitNotes – Best For Android

With over a million downloads and tens of thousands of reviews on the Play Store, FitNotes is one of the best workout tracking apps for your Android device. With a simple and easily navigable UI, ad-free design, and a truly free(no hidden subscription charges) pricing model, this free health and wellness app provides you with a fantastic experience.

You are free to use the exercises from the FitNotes library or create a custom routine. Planning new routines or accessing the one from yesterday is just a swipe away. Using the app is a visual treat since exercises from different muscle groups are color-coded. This allows you to access a lot of information with a glance and makes tweaking your workouts easier. Apart from that, you also get to track measurements of your biceps, waist, and other body parts along with the usual metrics like BMI, weight, and height.

2. Strong – Best for iOS

Img source: https://www.strong.app/

If you’re deeply tied into the Apple ecosystem with an iPhone and an Apple Watch, Strong is one of the best free fitness apps for you. With a simple and powerful interface, an extensive library of exercises, and deep integration with the Apple Watch, Strong is one of the most accurate fitness-tracking apps. With your health data from the Apple Watch and your changing routine, it offers you helpful records, charts, and history.

The app’s free version should meet the needs of the majority of users. You can save up to three custom routines and unlimited workouts. Unfortunately, the app lacks video demonstrations and images for exercise. As a beginner, you need to go back and forth between this app and YouTube videos to make sure you have perfect form and target the right muscle groups.

3. FatSecret – Best Nutrition Tracker

Tracking your workouts isn’t enough for your fitness journey. Nutrition is equally important and that’s where FatSecret comes in. It’s a free calorie counter with a rich nutrition database and tracking features. You can manually enter cooked recipes or use the barcode scanner to track the calories and nutrients in packaged food. The app color codes different macronutrients and shows them along with your daily calorie intake in a graphical form. It is very easy to use and the monthly summary view lets you track your overall progress with useful metrics like average calorie consumption.

You need to enter your weight and height to set a daily calorie intake and track if you are maintaining a calorie deficit with daily meals. The best free apps for workout plans also has social media features to help you stay motivated. On the home page, you will find other users uploading pictures of their meals and posting about their progress. While most features are free, you need to pay for premium features like dietician-designed meal plans, water trackers, and scheduled custom meal plans.

You have a wealth of information at the tip of your fingertips and tracking your progress is easy with the right fitness apps. These apps should help you track your progress and deliver motivation in small doses. Use these convenient and free tools to eat healthily, hit the gym, and embrace a healthier, happier you.   

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