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3 Apps that Will Change Your Video Editing Experience in 2022

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Have you been looking for the best video editing apps in the market? Are you confused with the numerous choices that you see from recommendations? Well, we have heard all your prayers and narrowed all your searches down. With our chosen ones from the market, you will be able to turn your phone/tablet into a professional editing device without any hassle or breakdowns. So whether you are a budding videographer, a professional video editor, or someone who wants to start his/her own YouTube channel, these apps will keep you covered.

We think the main issue that beginners of video editing face, is the quest for searching those apps that are ‘easy’. If you are such a person, who has ‘just’ begun their journey in the editing world, these apps will become your backbone. Not only are they user-friendly but also pretty useful for your ‘casual work’.

Want to know more about top bids in video editing apps of 2022? Read on!

Adobe Premiere Rush

Whether you are an Android or an iOS user, this app will keep things simple for you. The interface of this app is easy and straightforward with large panels and icons in the home screen. You can easily drag or drop footage in any timeline of your shot video. At the same time, you will be able to correct colour, remix music or voice-overs, add transitions, titles and so much more! Exciting isn’t it?

The focus of this app is to allow you to process all your video clips smoothly and get it uploaded on any social media platform. For example- If you are trying to upload a reel on Instagram, Adobe Premiere Rush will transform the video to a specific aspect ratio and quality level to fit the platform. Similarly, it will keep changing your original video to fit into any social media platform.

For expert video editors, this app is a blessing. It will allow users to change and edit contents back and forth alongside other sophisticated edit features.


This is great for all GoPro users, as it focuses on two things- allowing you to keep a control on your GoPro device and edit your GoPro footage. So many of you love traveling. When you have a GoPro with you, doesn’t everything seem easy to videotape? Well, not every footage is postworthy right? You will have to tweak things. For that reason Quick is your best support. It will allow you to import footage, sync music, add titles, images, timeless sequences, etc. with ease.


This is a more advanced app than Adobe Premiere Rush. It will allow you to multitask with keeping control on multiple timelines in the preview monitor. Your editing will become quicker than ever before! You will get about 6 audio/video tracks for titles, photos, graphics, videos, etc. The way this app allows you to multitask and save time, makes it a great choice for people looking for the perfect video editing app in 2022! What are you thinking about? Get hold of any of these apps and start your video editing activities from today!

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